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5 “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.”

Psalm 37:5

We're just on the 23rd day of the year; there are 343 more to go. What's the most important thing you should write on your to-do list this year?

This miniseries aims to help you determine important steps to ensure a spiritually healthy 2024. In our last blog, I gave the second thing you need to be doing this year: Instead of making resolutions; make confessions.

Here’s our third and final tip:

Energize your prayer life.

If you have been failing to establish a prayerful life, you’ve been missing out on a lot (it’s probably why you’ve been cranky lately). You see, while we want to romanticize the new year, it’s just a change in number. It doesn’t guarantee or promise anything other than its own sets of trials—typhoons, oil price hikes, wars, economic instability, and many others. There will be good and bad days, but we can’t navigate this year without direction.

It's no no-brainer that you need to get serious about improving your regular communication with God. If you have become too busy with other things, and as a result, your prayer life has been suffering, this might be the right time to make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Since you are clueless of the things the new year brings, You’d want God to lead the way.

God is pleased with those who put their trust in Him. He assures them of blessing and guidance. More importantly, He grants the desires of those who put themselves completely under His care and will.

Why should prayer be at the top of your to-do list this new year? Because you should know what prayerlessness can do to your life. It clouds your judgment, keeps you distant from God, and robs you of peace and joy. And I’m sure, you don’t want to commit the same mistakes again this year.

Therefore, strive to awaken your prayer life and enrich your fellowship with God. If you trust in Him, He will direct your path. He may not tell you exactly what to do, but He will give you the wisdom to know what to do.


Looking back at all the bad news of 2023, we all want a fresh start. And thank God, we do have it. It’s 2024!

But as they say, “You can’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results.” These are the three most important things you need to do to ensure a blessed 2024: always thank God, confess your sins, and establish a healthy prayer life. Do these things and see how God will prove His faithfulness to you—all year round.

Pursue the Savior today!