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"pray without ceasing,"

1 Thessalonians 5:17

There is some confusion among believers concerning our verse of the day. Some think that Paul means literal, non-stop praying 24/7. However, this would mean praying even when you can't concentrate on prayer, such as tutoring a child, being in the middle of a job interview, or testifying in a court of law. 

The original Greek word for "without ceasing" is "adialeiptos," which means" regularly recurring," not continuously occurring. It was used in Greek to describe a severe cough. Paul's point is that believers should maintain an open communication line and fellowship with God and talk to Him as often as possible.

The Lord Jesus exemplified a life of prayer. He prayed in the morning and night; He prayed before enjoying a meal; He prayed for His disciples; He prayed during a moment of suffering at Gethsemane, and He prayed for His tormentors at the Cross. Jesus showed us how to pray continually, but He didn't only do prayer. He did other works, too.

It takes faith to pray as we do not see the One to whom we're praying. More importantly, it takes greater dedication to pray without ceasing, especially when the Lord has not yet answered our prayer despite interceding for a long time. That being said, we should not think that God has closed His ears on us just because we did not receive the answer we expected. He knows our hearts' desires and responds to those desires even if we do not speak a word (Matthew 6:8; Psalm 10:17).

As Christians, we are called to pray, and our work of intercession is never done. As long as we live, there will always be a need for selfless prayer.

Are you doing your part in this ministry of prayer? 

Pursue the Saviour today!