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6 “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children…”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7a

If you’re a Christian parent, you’d probably like your kids to grow up having a true personal relationship with the Lord. After all, Jesus said that we should let the kids come close to Him, right?

And what better way to achieve that than by helping them know Scripture as early as their elementary years?  Thankfully, we now have smartphones that allow us to easily access Bible applications and other tools. Therefore, why not take advantage of the opportunity and train our kids in the way they should go?

In today’s passage, Moses instructs the Israelites to take God’s word seriously and pass it on to their children. God is taking the nation to “a land flowing with milk and honey” but their peace and prosperity will be directly influenced by their obedience to God’s word.

In the same way, Christian parents are given a wonderful opportunity to rear their children in the way of the Lord. Our responsibility goes beyond merely providing them with food, shelter, and clothing. We have to ensure that their whole person is growing in the fear of the Lord. And there’s no other way for them to live lives pleasing to God than living according to his word.

So, in this blog series, I’m going to give you five reasons why your kids should memorize Scripture.

They have a good memory.

According to a study, conducted by Ohio State University, a five-year-old child could beat most adults on a recognition, or memory test, at least under specific conditions. In this study, kids were found to be up to four times more accurate in their memory than grown-ups.


With that in mind, we understand why we adults have to make a lot of effort to memorize things. However, kids don’t have to. Children, especially those as young as five, have brains that can absorb information effortlessly. Therefore, if we expose them to Scripture at this age, they’ll easily learn the verses. So let’s take advantage of this period where our kids can easily remember God’s word.

Pursue the Savior today!