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“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

Job 42:2

Christians are not exempted from life's hardships. In fact, we could find ourselves stuck in a place of impossibility. And when we are, we can feel overwhelmed and helpless. But what do we do then?

In yesterday’s blog, we stressed that when the world persecutes us for our faith, God is there to lift us up.

From this point on, we will unearth three biblical principles you and I must understand to help us overcome our worries.

Lesson 1: God is able.

Peter’s use of the term “the mighty hand of God” in 1 Peter 5:6 is a reference to God’s omnipotence. The Lord has the power and the ability to save. As the omnipotent Creator God who made the heavens and the earth, God has all the resources to provide for His people’s every need.

Job knew that. See what he said at the very end of the book named after him. Today’s verse shows Job’s response to God’s message. He expresses his understanding of the fact that since God is sovereign, He can make things happen. Job believed that God was able.

The centurion in Matthew 8:5-13, despite knowing very little about the Lord Jesus, was confident that Jesus was powerful enough to heal his dying servant. But because of his solid faith, Jesus was delighted to do the impossible: to make his deathly ill servant well. The same thing can be said when we exercise unshakable faith. Our faith connects us to God’s grace and sovereign power. He does what needs to be done—for our benefit.

Trusting God requires an understanding of who He is and what He can do. Our God is the One who creates things by the sheer sound of His voice, splits the sea, walks on water, heals the sick, and raises the dead. For forty years, the Lord performed countless miracles for a doubting nation and thus proved Himself to be worthy of their trust.

More importantly, our God is a God who saves. Through His sacrificial death on the Cross, He was able to secure our salvation from our sins. He saves us from God’s wrath and an eternity of separation from God.

Having this confidence in God is vital to our daily lives, especially when things get quite challenging. When we feel helpless and hopeless, we can rest in the truth that our God is able. He can and He will save us at the right moment.

Pursue the Savior today!