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"But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also."

2 Corinthians 8:7

Christian giving is an act of grace. It stems from a grateful heart in awe of God’s goodness. It is one aspect of the Christian life where we can follow God’s example. But not every believer actually excels in this ministry.

In 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul was asking the believers in Achaia to honor their word on a commitment they had made about a year earlier. They promised to help the suffering believers in Jerusalem.

The Corinthians did well in different areas of ministry. According to Paul, they excelled in other Christian virtues. They had sanctifying trust in Christ; they only accepted sound doctrine; they did well in applying biblical principles and were passionate about God. But there was one thing missing in their devotion to God: the grace of giving.


Paul hoped that the Corinthians would also show excellence in the ministry of giving, especially in terms of addressing the needs of the poor Christians in Jerusalem. If they honored their word, their contribution would result in many thanksgivings and praise unto God.


The Corinthians were abounding in many spiritual gifts, but they got too wrapped up in their areas of giftedness. They allowed their relationship with their pastor to be on the rocks, causing them to treat him with contempt. That tainted relationship led them to ignore their suffering brothers and sisters in Judea.

God never ordained giving to the church as an obligation. Just as God never required Jesus to give up His life for our sins, neither did He require us to give. Jesus sacrificed Himself voluntarily and willfully. In the same way, supporting God’s work financially should flow from a heart that appreciates God's grace.

We have a lifetime to discover our spiritual gifts and use them to serve God. We may, or we may not receive the specific gift we desire, but if there's one ministry we all can excel, it is the grace of giving. This vital area of service brings glory to God and addresses the immediate needs of the body of Christ.

Pursue the Savior today!