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8 “Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.”

Psalm 25:8-9


To Christians, the expression "God is good" is not just a religious assertion; it is truth. As a matter of fact, it is an experiential truth. We have a firsthand experience of the reality of this fact. And one way to prove its truthfulness is seen in how God reveals Himself to people.

Over the past couple of days, we have been studying one attribute of God that is often overlooked: just.

In our previous blog, we learned that God is a gracious Father who loves all His children equally and perfectly. Let me give you another thought to think through.

He guides sinners into righteousness.

Today’s passage talks about the assurance of God’s guidance. David, the Psalmist, describes God as “good” and “upright,” characteristics that are revealed for the benefit of sinners, so that they may know the ways of the Lord. He guides His people on the path of righteousness and makes His will known to them.

Unlike the false gods of the pagans, who neither listen nor respond to their worshipers, the God of the Bible is personally involved in the lives of His followers. In the Old Testament, He spoke through the prophets; in the New Testament, He spoke through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles. More importantly, God Himself took on human flesh and demonstrated what it means to live a life pleasing to God. If Jesus didn’t come to earth, the concept of God—let alone His attributes—would be a cosmic puzzle to us.

God is innately good. Moreover, He is upright, loving, and faithful. He demonstrates His perfections in such a way that sinners are drawn to Him. He patiently teaches His ways to them and guides them into righteousness. I’d say that unless God shows us the way, we will forever wander without ever finding what we’re looking for. Without Him, life would be an endless soul-searching, like floating in the abyss—always moving but going nowhere.

Thankfully, He shows us the light and guides us back to Himself. Instead of casting us out completely, He calls us to repentance, righteousness, and redemption.

Pursue the Savior today!