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10 “so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:10-11

The true nature of Christ has been the topic of much debate for so many years. On the one hand, you have people asserting that Jesus is a mere man. On the other hand, some are convinced that not only is He human, but also divine. Where in the Bible can we see Jesus being portrayed as God?

In our previous blog, we learned that if we consider ourselves followers of Christ, retaliation should never be an option.

Let’s see things from another perspective.

This passage also showcases Jesus’ authority. At the sound of His name, the officers and those with them fell to the ground. He was one man; there were 600 or more of them. He was unarmed; they were equipped with weapons. Yet face to face with Him, they pulled back and fell on their knees. Indeed, our God is greater. This was nothing for Him.

The men fell to the ground not because they wanted to worship Him, but because they could not do anything about it. He was too powerful for them. Jesus was in absolute control of the situation. His mere words were more than enough to subdue His enemies.

Today’s cross reference shows us the all-powerful and sovereign nature of our Lord. If demons respond to His word and tremble in fear, how much more will weaker creatures like men?

Jesus is who He claimed to be: God. He is to be worshiped not only by His people but also by His enemies, and this passage shows exactly that. A day is coming when those who reject Christ will see the majesty of His name and feel the extent of His power. And whether they like it or not, they will bend their knees and proclaim that Jesus is Lord!

Pursue the Savior today!

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash