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To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

The Lord invested in us by giving us the precious gift of life. Therefore, everything we have, and everything we don’t belong to God because He is the Supreme Creator of the universe. He is the Author of Life (Acts 3:15.

As people who are beneficiaries of God’s goodness, i.e., life and what comes with it, we are to follow God’s rules. If we obey, blessings will flow. But if we fall short of His standards, it’s not wrong to say that our fellowship with Him will not be the same.

Every person who has ever walked the earth—regardless of age, gender, race, and status has sinned and keeps on falling short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). We lie; we disobey our parents; we covet; we use God’s name in vain—the list goes on. But the question is, how can we repay our trespasses against God?

And the answer? We can’t. We sinned against an eternally holy God who demands no less than holiness (Matthew 5:48). In the Old Testament, God required the Israelites to offer blood to atone for their sins. The Bible tells us that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). The thing is, the sinner cannot atone for his sins, the High Priest is the one who’s positionally qualified to perform the atoning rites.

What if I can’t pay? What are the consequences? Just as failing to stay up-to-date with your monthly dues leads to severe consequences, the outcome of sin is unthinkable: death. “Are you telling me that my sins are paid for when I die?” Not really. Physical death is just one of the effects of sin. Everyone will die (Hebrews 9:27), but that doesn’t mean every dead person is free.

The more terrifying truth is the second death. If we die in our sins, God will ultimately confine us to eternal hell, where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:48). That’s the last place we’d ever want to be! It’s a place where there is no grace, hope, love, mercy, or comfort—only torment, pain, and suffering. And that condition lasts forever. God will make sure no one escapes the infernal regions. That’s the dilemma every unrepentant person has to face.

Therefore, the hope of humanity rests in God’s mercy. The Creator is also the Judge and Executioner. The One who gives life is also the one who takes it (Job 1:21). Is there good news? Absolutely!

In Peter’s sermon to Cornelius’ household, he highlights the necessity of faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The good news is that God, the Holy One whom we have sinned against, is offering full cancellation of our debt. He is willing to forgive all of our sins, but we must repent and put our trust in Jesus. Faith in Christ is key to our salvation. If we believe in the Name of Jesus, the Bible says, we will receive the forgiveness of our sins.

How would you feel if you received God’s absolute pardon today? It’s way beyond words. It’s the one offer you must take without reservations. But the question is, will you take the offer?

Pursue the Saviour today!