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5 “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”

1 John 5:5

The Bible says that Jesus conquered death and defeated sin. It also mentions that Christians are "more than conquerors." How can this be when we know that we have a formidable foe in Satan?

In yesterday’s blog, we learned that faith in God gives us the strength and power to resist the temptations of fleeting earthly pleasures.

Over the past four verses, we have seen that John is giving us clear indications of possessing eternal life, using concepts like regeneration (verse 4), obedience (verse 3), and love (verse 2).

In today’s verse, John declares that the one who believes in Jesus’ Person overcomes the world. The Greek term “nikaō” means “to conquer” and describes the triumphant status of a believer. It allows him to remain steadfast in faith unto death against the enemy, temptations, and persecutions.

To believe that Jesus is the Son of God is not only an intellectual agreement of the fact. Rather, it is the conviction of the whole person (mind, emotions, and will). Making this confession means pledging one’s allegiance to Christ and therefore parting ways with the world’s evil system. Since Jesus demands singleness of heart, a believer is to commit his life to Him.

John is not saying that we will always be victorious in our endeavors. Neither does he point out that we will never disappoint God. Instead, I think he says that God will never disown us and give us back to the kingdom of darkness. God’s love is far greater than this world, the Enemy, and his evil forces.

May you find encouragement in God’s word. His love is everlasting; His power is without equal. He decided long ago to save you and now gives you the strength to overcome whatever this world may throw your way.

Pursue the Savior today!