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15 “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.”

1 John 4:15

Can sinners actually have fellowship with a righteous, holy, all-powerful God?

Yesterday, we learned that God has opened our eyes to see that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins.

In verse 15, John makes another statement, saying that whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God is included in the fellowship between God and all believers. To “confess” is the same as “to acknowledge.” It carries the idea of agreeing with or not denying.

In this epistle, John also says that abiding (fellowship) is associated with obedience, specifically to the command to love one another (3:24). This abiding is also shown in one’s dependence on the gift of the Holy Spirit (4:13).

John further says that this fellowship is founded on Christ, who must be conceded as being one with the Father. However, this acknowledgment isn’t a mere intellectual assent. Rather, it is a confession that comes with a commitment to obey Christ.

Faith goes beyond knowing what to believe. It also includes a personal experience and the will to surrender to God. Thus, to confess that Jesus is the Son of God is to be convinced of Jesus’ claims and entrust one’s life and eternity to Him. Such a person has a personal relationship with the Almighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Do you have this relationship?

Pursue the Savior today!