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“At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.”

1 John 2:8

“I want to know what love is; I want you to show me; I want to feel what love is; I know you can show me,” says a popular ballad in the 80s. The song talks about a person’s search for love after all the heartache and pain he’s been through. He traveled the world to feel loved and hopefully, escape his lonely life.

For the most part, this is how the world defines love. In fact, the dictionary gives us this definition of love: “an intense feeling of deep affection.” In other words, love is what a person feels. When we don’t feel it, we don’t have love for someone.  As it appears, the world has an entirely different understanding of love.

Isn’t that how we defined love before we came to know Christ? Without God’s word, we will never be able to properly define love. Not only does God define love, but He also exemplified it when He became man and died on the Cross for wretched sinners like you and me.

As we continue our study of John’s first epistle, he now points out that this “new” commandment is true in Christ, and by extension, in all His people. Christ embodies love for others as we have seen in how He dealt with His disciples, the Gentiles, the poor, strangers, and even His enemies. He loved them all. Jesus did not live in perfect conditions, but His life was marked by selfless love for everyone He came across with. He showed us the way; it is our part to follow suit.

Because of Jesus’ example, the darkness in this world is fading away. Jesus is the Light of the world and Christians are the salt and light of the world. Every true believer is commanded to walk the same path that Jesus walked, which is the path of selflessness and compassion. When we follow His example, we shine His light in this dark world.

As a believer, you aren’t just a number. You aren’t just another person sitting on a pew. You are God’s child. You have Christ’s light, therefore, you can bring hope to your home, workplace, or school. When the opportunity knocks, do as Jesus did: He put others first before Himself.

Just like the writer of the song at the beginning of this blog, I once told myself: “I want to know what love is.” Thankfully, God found me and showed me the true meaning of love. He did it about two thousand years ago—when He died on the Cross for you and me.

Pursue the Savior today!