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12 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. “

Hebrews 4:12

Do you ever feel like you don’t have the energy to read the Bible? If so, you might find this miniseries quite helpful. This week, let’s talk about “5 Reasons You’re Not Reading Your Bible Regularly.”

Reason 1:

You think it’s boring.

If you think that the Bible is uninteresting, I’m not going to judge you. It is a book that is at least two to three thousand years old. Plus, you live in the social media age, where people’s attention span gets shorter and shorter. The time and cultural gaps are too great, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be bridged.

The truth is, the Bible is not boring. If it were, why is it the all-time best-selling book? To date, the Bible has sold more than 5 billion copies worldwide, which is considerably greater than the best-selling fictional book, “Don Quixote,” which only has sold 500 million copies.

The truth is, that the Bible is alive and speaks to our souls, as today’s verse clearly states. This part of the Book of Hebrews tells Christians to strive to enter God’s rest, for them to not fail—as the Jews did. Their motivation is the word of God itself. It is alive and powerful, piercing to the very core of human hearts.

The Word of God distinguishes what humans can’t: the godly and the ungodly. It helps us discern the difference between what is acceptable to God and what isn’t. It gives us the power to determine God’s will and live Christ-honoring lives. If we truly understood what God has done for us, how can His very words seem lifeless to us?

So, let me give you a suggestion. Instead of thinking of the Bible as a dreary, ancient writing, consider it God’s personal letter for you. He is your Father who wants to reveal Himself to you. This book will tell you everything you need to know about Him and the things He has done for you and has in store for you. If you think this way, you will begin to look at the Bible as an engaging book as it relates to you and your Father in Heaven.

Pursue the Savior today!