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5 “he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,”

Titus 3:5

While many people try to get their one-way tickets to heaven by way of good deeds, the Bible is quite clear on the issue.

In our previous blog, we learned that the satisfaction of God’s demands for holiness and righteousness is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Here’s a similar yet distinct biblical truth about salvation that you and I should understand.

It’s not about what we do; it’s about what Christ has done.

Some people believe that they are saved because of what they do, that is, church attendance, baptism, or good works. They may even point out how sincere they were at some point. They are convinced that their deeds should guarantee them a place in heaven.

But that’s not how things work in God’s kingdom. We are not saved by church attendance, baptism, or good works but by trusting in Jesus Christ alone. We are saved by putting our faith in Christ and believing that He died for us.

Take a look at our verse of the day. Paul tells us plainly that God saved us not because of what we do (works done by us in righteousness) but because of the goodness of His heart (His own mercy). For people who trusted so much in their own brand of “righteousness,” God’s grace is a bitter pill to swallow. Trying to gain God’s approval through good works is a highway that leads to disappointment. A person does not become a Christian by living a “Christian” life. “Good people” don’t go to heaven; repentant sinners do. In fact, apart from Christ, we cannot produce anything innately good.

I must stress that it is trusting Christ alone that can save us. Jesus is our only way to heaven. Some are not sure of their salvation because they are not saved. If eternal life depended on Christ plus something we have done, we could never be sure of our salvation. We can try but will always find ourselves missing the mark. Jesus clarified that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Outside of Him, there is no chance of entering the heavenly gates. As the Owner of the house, He gets to say who comes in and who doesn’t.


Pursue the Savior today!