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2 “I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord.”

Philippians 4:2

Disunity within the church makes everyone feel heavy. But more than just the emotional toil it causes, a discord between members hurts the church's testimony and stains the name of Christ. So, what do we do with the estrangement between our Christian friends?

In our previous blog, we talked about issues with church leaders. We said that the church is God’s household, we are all mere servants with specific roles. Here’s the last type of conflict found in the church.

Conflict Between Believers

Sometimes church members can have disagreements that can negatively affect the entire church. In Philippians chapter 4, two prominent women argued so severely and so publicly that the entire church felt scandalized and the problem was reported to Paul. These two women were once ministry partners but now they sat on opposite sides of the table. They couldn’t resolve their issues on their own so Paul asked somebody to step in and help.

So, the Apostle Paul names these two women and asks them to consider their position “in the Lord.” It is possible that the disunity in the congregation in Philippi was caused by the dispute between these two influential women. For Paul to mention their names could mean that the issue was unusually serious and destructive. Because of the damage this conflict could cause, Paul pleads with them to set their personal agendas aside, be like-minded, and work toward reconciliation.

When believers have an ongoing dispute, the church should work to reunite the quarreling members. We can follow Paul’s example. He urged the women to remember their common denominator: the Lord Jesus Christ. They were both loved by God and saved through the blood of Christ.

I think that when we remind ourselves of who we are in Christ, if we can be selfless enough to put our emotions on hold and take some time to listen, we can work things out. And if there’s someone respected by both parties, he or she should offer to help patch things up.

Do you have an ongoing squabble with someone in your church? If so, what is your game plan to restore the harmony in your relationship?

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