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38 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:38-39


While death is such a dreaded experience, it doesn't change God's preordained choice.

In our previous blog, we mentioned that in heaven, our deepest desires will be satisfied in the very presence of God. Here’s our closing thought on why you and I shouldn’t fear death:

Death does not reverse God’s salvation.

In the last part of Romans Chapter 8, Paul makes a sweeping statement about God’s everlasting love for believers, explaining that there is nothing that can come between God and His people.

Paul describes the certainty of God’s promises and the unchanging nature of God’s love. He is certain that neither the pains of death nor the dangers of life can separate a believer from God. Death cannot create a barrier between God and His people because Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross defeated death once and for all. At the same time, life, with all its uncertainties, difficulties, and decay, cannot change God’s mind about His decision to save us.

Not even angels, demons, or heaven and hell do not affect our salvation. In other words, no force in the universe can supersede God’s decision. Since He is the Creator God, everything is subjected to His authority. If He is for us, no one is powerful enough to thwart His plans.


Death is the result of sin. We die because we live in a fallen world. If you do not have a personal relationship with God, death should scare you, not only because you will be separated from your loved ones, but importantly, because you will be eternally separated from God and all the good things that come from Him.

On the other hand, death is not a believer’s doom. Rather, it is only a transfer of residence—from earth to heaven. After death, a believer will be ushered into eternal glory. He will spend eternity with God in a world of never-ending peace, joy, and love. That’s why we don’t fear death; instead, we embrace it and prepare for it.

Pursue the Savior today!