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45 “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

Matthew 5:45


In a world that celebrates personal achievements and success, people can be misled, thinking that hard work alone takes them to the mountaintop.

We have been discussing one attribute of God that is often overlooked: His being just. In our last blog, we learned that even when bad things happen, God’s goodness remains visible; all we have to do is look.

How does the Bible describe God’s justness?

Scripture shows us different ways to identify God’s being just.

First, God blesses people indiscriminately.

In Matthew 5:38-43, Jesus demands not only that His followers resist evil men taking advantage of them, but that they would also extend God’s love to their enemies. In verse 45, He brings up God’s justness, showing His grace to all humanity, including the morally unworthy. He points out that rain is one of God’s universal blessings.

We live in an agricultural area in Northwestern Canada where the lands are vast but no irrigation for the farms. Every farmer in the area depends on rain to water their crops. If it happens to be a dry year, then the sons and daughters of the soil will likely not have a good harvest—regardless of their spiritual condition. But when it rains with the right amount at the right time, everybody is happy—both Christians and non-Christians.

God’s justness is seen in how all people—whether or not they believe in Him—benefit from the sun and rain. In this sense, we can see that not only is God just, but He is also loving. Can you imagine surviving without sunshine or rain? How long do you think you’ll last without these two things?

Thankfully, God showers us His universal blessings. The world is His, so He has all the resources to make life abundant. In His grace, He lets everyone enjoy the benefits of air, rain, sunshine, and other essential blessings. Therefore, no one can really raise their heads at God or lift their hands and say that their success is because of their own effort. Without God being just, we all will cease to exist.

So, when our hearts begin to brag about our accomplishments, let’s think about what would happen if God chooses to shut the heavens and withhold the rain, like in the days of Elijah.

How do you feel that God chooses to bless people across the board and you’re on the receiving end of His being just?

Pursue the Savior today!