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19 “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”


1 John 5:19



In a world of diversity, what does the Bible say about people? Spiritually speaking, how can we classify individuals?


Yesterday, we learned that it takes perseverance to keep ourselves untouched by the evil one.


In today’s verse, John gives another word of encouragement to his readers, and this time, he includes himself in his statement. He tells them, “We know that we are from God.” As we have learned in our previous lessons, the term “know” in this epistle is more than mere intellectual knowledge of a fact. The Greek term “eidō” offers a deeper, more personal meaning. Not only is it about having information about something, but having a personal relationship with that thing. In this case, John reminds believers that they belong in a loving, personal relationship with God.


Furthermore, believers are God’s possession. In contrast to the false teachers’ boasting, believers have proof that they are God’s: they pass the tests of eternal life. In other words, their life and actions substantiate their claims as God’s people.


Meanwhile, the rest of the world remains under the power of the evil one. John is straightforward in making a declaration that there are only two sides—there is no middle ground. People belong either to God or the evil one; they are either saved or lost. More importantly, their spiritual position lies in their relationship with Jesus Christ.


I think this verse can provide real encouragement, knowing that not only we are on the right side, but we also belong to the One who ultimately rules all things. And because we belong to God, we can have unshakable confidence because “Greater is He who is in us than he who is in this world.”


My friend, if you’re in doubt, remind yourself of the fact that our God is greater and able to keep you safe in His hands (John 10:28; 29). He saves those who come to Him in repentance and faith and takes them as His own.


If you are in Christ, you are His property.


Pursue the Savior today!