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“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Mark 9:24


Being unsure of your salvation can make you restless and fearful. I have had young people and adults reach out to me, saying they’re afraid that they might spend eternity away from God rather than with Him.

So, how can you erase your doubts and have peace of mind? Remind yourself of five things.

Ask God to help you overcome your doubts.

Understand that God intended assurance to be a normal part of our Christian experience. The lack of certainty or a diminished sense of assurance tells you that something isn’t right.

Being in this situation requires you to humble yourself before God, and discern the reasons why you are having doubts. God recognizes our doubts and wants us to overcome them.

In today’s verse, a father talks to Jesus about his demon-possessed son. The evil spirit is tormenting the poor son, so the father asks the disciples to cast it out, but they are unsuccessful. Seeing his son suffer since childhood, the father might have done everything he could and went to every healer but nothing changed the situation. So, he is unsure whether or not Jesus can make his son get better. He makes a declaration of faith but also states his doubts at the same time. But Jesus tells him that all things are possible for one who believes. To get rid of this mixed experience, the father asks the Lord to take away his unbelief. Then, Jesus rebukes the evil spirit, saving the man in the process.

Likewise, God recognizes our unbelief. While He doesn’t need us to believe in order to achieve His purpose, He wants us to put our trust in Him. Faith is for our benefit, not God.

So, I encourage you to prayerfully ask the Lord to help you overcome your doubts. It’s better to recognize that you’re having trouble believing than to pretend that you have faith when, in fact, you don’t. God listens to anyone admitting their weakness and asking for His help. He does not turn His back on those who call on His name.

Pursue the Savior today!