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“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

Psalm 63:1

Let’s have a quick study about worship, an essential part of the Christian life and truth be told, it’s the very reason why God created us, in the first place.

If there’s one thing we need to understand about worship, it probably is this: not every kind of worship is acceptable to the Lord. Remember Cain? He was a man who gave a blemished offering unto the Lord and was subsequently rejected by God. Remember Saul? He was the first king of Israel who was chosen by God but failed to follow the Lord and obey His commandments. As a result, the Lord rejected Him and turned the kingdom over to David, who was the writer of the Psalm where our verse of the day is taken.

Psalm 63 was likely written during Absalom’s rebellion (2 Samuel 15:23). David failed as a father and in effect, he also fell short as a leader. He had reasons to mope and feel sorry about himself but he rather fixed his eyes up above and hit the refresh button on his faith in God.

In such a difficult part of his life (his son sought to take the throne), David fled to the wilderness where he became hungry and thirsty. However, instead of craving food and water, he expressed his desire to fellowship with God and be satisfied by His presence.

Jesus spoke of the same thing when He was tempted in the wilderness:

4 But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:4

Jesus has gone without food nor water for forty days and forty nights, in preparation for His earthly ministry. In an attempt to lure Jesus to focus on his physical weakness, Satan told Him to turn the stones to loaves of bread. But Jesus rebuked him sharply. It would take more than just food to satisfy our Lord’s hunger. When Jesus shared the Good News to the woman at the well, He spoke these words:

34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.”

John 4:34

Man is not mere flesh and blood, he also has an immaterial body that can only be nourished only by Christ Himself. Jesus is the Bread of Life as well as the Living Water. If we thirst and hunger for His righteousness, we will be filled as He promised in the Sermon on the Mount.

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

Matthew 5:6

We were created by God for the very purpose of worshiping Him. While we have physical needs that need to be met, we also have a spirit that longs for the presence of our Maker.

Just how David craved for the Lord during one of the darkest moments of his life, may we hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ, who alone can satisfy the deepest needs of our souls.

Pursue the Saviour today!