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31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,”

John 8:31

Church membership starts when a genuinely converted believer commits his life both to Christ and His church. But this is only the beginning of this wonderful relationship.

This series aims to give you five marks of a good church member. Here’s our second mark:

A healthy church member is a growing disciple.

Discipleship is at the heart of Christianity. Following Christ means being a disciple of Christ. In its most basic sense, a disciple is “a learner, a pupil.” And we are proven to be Jesus’ students when we remain in Him and His word.

In this verse, Jesus differentiates so-called disciples from those who are true disciples. A growing disciple is one who has committed his life to Christ, which is seen in his life. He continues in the teachings of the Lord Jesus, not turning either to the left or the right. There is a strong sense of consistency and permanence in him, proving that such a person is indeed a disciple.

To grow is to move forward in spiritual maturity—both in the knowledge of God and in godly living. God’s will is for us to grow from spiritual babes to mature, productive disciples.

Consider Peter’s exhortation:

2 “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

1 Peter 2:2-3

Peter likens the believers of the Diaspora to newborn babies, a common figure of speech in the NT. Just as babies crave milk, so these believers should thirst for spiritual nourishment.

This exhortation does not necessarily mean that Peter’s readers are new converts. On the contrary, they likely have been believers for several years. But regardless of their spiritual maturity, they should continue to desire the spiritual nutrition coming from God’s word.

Peter also uses the milk imagery by quoting Psalm 34:8, where David says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” If his readers have experienced the kindness of God, they should have an insatiable desire for it.

The same goes for us. If Scripture satisfies our souls, we should want more of it. As new believers, we were excited to learn more about God, so Bible reading was a staple in our daily schedule. We couldn’t last a day without our moment with God through Bible study. But do we still have that same longing for God’s word?

You are a healthy church member when you consume Jesus’ teachings every day and apply the biblical principles you learn from Him.

Pursue the Savior today!