6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:6
Christianity differs from other world religions in many ways, one of which is its teaching about salvation by faith. While other belief systems demand personal achievement or compliance to a strict set of rules in order for one to be saved, the Bible points out that faith is the only way to be forgiven by God and given eternal life.
In yesterday’s blog, we learned that God reveals Himself to the humble. With that in mind, let me share an important biblical truth:
God favors the childlike in faith.
God, as the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth, possesses unlimited wisdom and power. He knows everything and can do all things. But He is not the unapproachable God that people surmise. Neither is He an unknowable God whom agnostics guess. In fact, He has revealed Himself throughout human history. The Bible is God’s self-revelation documented for nearly 1,500 years. More importantly, He revealed Himself in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Throughout Jesus’ preaching ministry, He taught that God favors those who come to Him in faith. On the other hand, He distances Himself from those who think they can win His favor by their own effort.
Today’s verse clearly states how God feels about the humble and the proud. In James 4, the writer warns against worldliness, i.e. arguments and conflicts among Jewish Christians. These disagreements come from living according to the world’s wisdom. These believers were fighting because they could not get what they wanted. James contends that this is essentially adultery, i.e. cheating on God. They have been envious of others and will do anything to succeed—even when they hurt others in the process. But God sees this evil and reminds them of who He is and who they are. He lavishly pours out His grace on all believers.
The verse is a quote from Proverbs 3:34, which expresses that God is against the proud. It is the lack of faith in God’s ability to provide, so we take it upon ourselves to achieve those things. That is an act of pride; we make us the god of ourselves. This is not the way to live our lives, rather, we are to humble ourselves to receive more grace from God.
The Bible says that God is unchanging. He has always been compassionate to the weak and marginalized. He is the Defender of the defenseless. He is the Father to the fatherless. His grace—that is, His unmerited favor—is extended to those who understand their inability to save themselves.
Faith has been, and always will be, how God shows His grace to people. We can’t win His heart because of our knowledge, personal achievements, or possessions. Neither can we be accepted by Him because of our good works. If we think that we are going to heaven because of what we know, what we have, or what we do, then we are gravely mistaken. Sadly, countless people believe this lie. God will never be gracious to the proud and self-righteous. But He will always be compassionate and merciful to the weak and childlike in faith.
Pursue the Savior today!
Photo by Colin Roe on Unsplash