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"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

Philippians 2:4

Self-centeredness has no room in a believer’s heart. It is inconsistent with his calling as a follower of Christ. That goes without saying no one (probably except a person’s mother) would love being with a self-absorbed individual.

The antidote to self-centeredness is humility, which is one of the key Christian values but an unknown concept in Greek society. The Bible describes this word as meekness, lowliness, and the absence of self.

Believers are to be humble toward one another and understand their collective subjection to Christ. With this in mind, they should consider others better than themselves. Their concern for others should precede their personal interests. Their old life of selflessness should be replaced by a selfless outlook that includes the welfare of fellow believers. However, this doesn’t mean that believers should ignore their own needs and have no regard for their own lives.

The Bible is encouraging us today to strive for church unity, which can only be achieved through humility and selflessness. When we demonstrate mutual concern, disharmony in the church will quickly melt away.

Do you have plans to play a part in the advancement of God's Kingdom? If you do, begin by putting others before yourself. Submit any sign of selfishness to God and seek to be as selfless as Christ.

Pursue the Saviour today!