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"That the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God."

Romans 8:21

Destructive hurricanes. Devastating earthquakes. Disastrous volcanic eruptions. These are just some of the deadliest natural disasters that can happen at any time. When we suffer from these calamities, we are reminded that the world we are living in is far from perfect. These catastrophes are an indication that the world itself is suffering. Tragedies remind us that the world as we know it is not our home. They make us think that whatever technology is invented by man, he cannot set creation free from its pain and suffering. 


If there's someone who can deliver creation from its misery, it's God, the Creator of all things. The Bible tells us that when God finished creating everything, He looked at creation, and affirmed that it was very good. But because of man's sin, every part of God's creation was exposed to corruption. God cursed all of creation, causing it to groan. Adam's fall led to the cursing of the ground, the growth of thorns, thistles, and weeds, the pain experienced by mothers in childbirth, and most importantly, death.

Paul explains that all of creation eagerly longs for the day when it will join God's people in experiencing absolute freedom from death and decay. Revelation 22:3 tells us that God will establish the new heavens and new earth, which will put an end to every curse. The world will be restored to its original condition. This revelation will also terminate the curse of sin and the power of death. When that day comes, you and I will no longer mourn, or cry in pain, for God will make all things new (Revelation 21:4).

Our destiny as believers has been preordained. We are going to spend eternity in glory. Now, being glorious, in a biblical sense, is far from the glory this world can ever offer. People glory in their successes, fame, and wealth—but it's all going to end at some point. On the other hand, the children of God will be released from sin, pain, and suffering. We will receive our full rights as God's adopted children and possess glorified bodies.

While we're waiting for that day to come, God did not leave us hopeless. He sent the Holy Spirit, the downpayment or deposit, guaranteeing our full adoption as His children (Ephesians 4:30). His presence is a reminder that God never forgets His promises and that He will fulfill every one of them.

Be encouraged by Christ's promise and face this day with renewed hope and confidence. You may be suffering right now, but it won't last long. Even now, God is already taking you from groaning to glory.

Pursue the Saviour today!