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"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Romans 8:1

The Bible teaches that a Christian receives forgiveness of sins upon placing his faith in the Person and finished work of Jesus Christ. But what does this mean? What are the implications of this teaching? Did God forgive only our past sins? How about our present and future sins?

The Bible contains numerous passages that talk about condemnation, proving that this is a significant subject. We should not ignore its importance because it presents eternal consequences. The word "condemnation" is the same as "damnation," "judgment," and "verdict." Condemnation is the opposite of justification. Ultimately, it is the eternal punishment in hell for those who reject the will of God.

While most people appreciate God as a loving, caring Father who blesses His children, they tend to ignore God's other roles, especially being the righteous, holy Judge of the universe. He will determine whether we will spend eternity in heaven or forever suffer in hell.

It is quite alarming that most people take the warnings of Scripture rather lightly. By default, all human beings are under the condemnation of God because of our sins. Jesus said that anyone who does not believe is already condemned (John 3:18,36).

However, those who do believe in Jesus will be justified (declared "not guilty") on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:33-34). Their acquittal is not because of good deeds but because they put their trust in Jesus Christ, who paid for the penalties of their sins. Yes, salvation is received through faith in Jesus alone. Period.

The term "no condemnation" appears only three times in the New Testament, and they are all in the Book of Romans. It is something that does not apply to Christians. Every single sin a believer listed in a believer’s account (past, present, future) cannot be held against him. Why? Because Jesus has paid for the full penalty of every believer's sins. What's more, God also credited Christ's righteousness to every saint.

Not only did Jesus pay for your sins, but He also gave us His riches! In our life before Christ, we were spiritually bankrupt; but in our life with Christ, God made us heirs of Christ's spiritual riches (Ephesians 1:11)!

Sadly, many Christians slam themselves for their sins because of a lack of assurance of salvation. They fail to understand the legal effects of what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross. 

If you're passing sentence on yourself, let me ask you a question: If God says you're not guilty, and if Satan cannot claim you're guilty, why would you declare yourself guilty and let that guilt consume you and rob yourself of freedom?

To be clear, let me say that being declared "not guilty" before God's court doesn't give us the license to continue in sin, thinking that we’re forgiven, so we can do whatever we want. Children of God do not live a life of sin. Instead, they live to please God and do what pleases Him.

This freedom from condemnation allows you to live a life of confidence, knowing that the enemy has no hold against you. Therefore, you can spend your days honouring Jesus Christ, the Son of God who purchased your freedom with His precious blood.

Pursue the Saviour today!