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"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15b

The God of the Bible is a jealous God. He wants 100 percent of our being, not just a fragment. It's all or nothing. It's either we serve Him alone, or we don't.

Some people think that all religions lead to the same God. But if the Bible is our source of belief, there is nowhere in the Scriptures do we find that God allows polytheism (faith in more than one God). Truth be told, God has the right to demand exclusive worship and service. Why? Because He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He alone is God; there is no one else.

Regardless of our worldview, we are inclined to be religious—whether it's to God, family, self, prestige, or possessions. We devote ourselves to someone or something. This reason is perhaps why the first three of the Ten Commandments demand undivided allegiance to the Lord.

The Israelites have seen firsthand how God rescued them from the oppressive Egyptians, who enslaved and abused them for centuries. The Lord demonstrated His power by numerous acts only He could do. To make everything clear, God made a covenant with the Israelites and gave them His requirements, and the people said they would do it.

But the first generation of the freed Israelites failed miserably and did exactly what the Lord told them not to do. They coerced Aaron, the first High Priest, to make a golden calf (Exodus 32), refused to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14), and worshiped the gods of Egypt (Leviticus 17). Therefore, God had to act and render justice.

After Moses's death, Joshua gathered the people and challenged them to renew their covenant and re-establish their commitment to serve the Lord. He gave them choices: serve the gods of their forefather Terah, the new gods of Canaan, or the Lord. They couldn't serve more than one God.

As the nation's leader, Joshua was the first to pledge his allegiance to the God of Israel. He also demanded they throw away their idols should they choose to serve the Lord. It appears that the people had good intentions and followed Joshua's lead (verse 16). But history tells us that it was nothing but external compliance; there was never a real commitment in their hearts.

It is admirable when a father like Joshua stands up and leads the way in serving the Lord. Sadly, not many families have fathers who are courageous enough to make a solid, determined decision to disciple His family and worship God exclusively. Many children adhere to their father's leading externally, but their hearts silently rebel against them.

Whether we like it or not, we have to choose whom we will serve. The choice is ours to make. God does not bulldoze us into doing things for Him. He gave us a mind and free will to think and decide for ourselves. But if we resolve to serve the Lord, we have to be sure to give him our all. He won’t take second place; neither will He compete with anyone in our hearts.

Pursue the Saviour today!