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"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

What is your attitude toward giving?

The Bible tells us how we are to view the ministry of giving. In today’s verse, Paul says that we should decide in our hearts how much to give. Please take note; he doesn't state a specific amount or percentage. It's entirely up to us. But remember what Scripture says that God's blessings are proportionate to our giving. We can see this principle in farming and economics—the more we give, the more we receive.

Paul tells the Corinthians to not only think about their own needs but also those of their fellow believers. They should do what they can to help their suffering brothers and sisters. However, they should not give reluctantly or of necessity. He wants them to be happy in their giving. Such giving is pleasing to God.

In verse 8, Paul encourages the believers in Achaia to follow the examples of the Macedonians. They, despite their extreme poverty, made a sizeable offering for the benefit of the suffering Christians in Jerusalem. If they managed to help while they themselves needed help, what should stop the Corinthians, who were financially secure, from honoring their promise?

What can we take from this verse? Giving is our personal choice based on our conscience and our relationship with God. The more we love Him and His people, the more our hearts are moved to meet the needs of the ministry. God wants our giving to be voluntary; that's why it is a gift. We can't call something a "gift" if it is carried out of compulsion or pressure. God isn’t particularly impressed if you're giving $1 million to your church reluctantly or only because other people are watching you and you don't want to be humiliated.

It's vital to approach giving in a happy, joyful way. The Greek word for "cheerful" is where we get our English word "hilarious.” There should be a sense of excitement each time we give! Why should we be happy when giving? Besides the fact that whatever we own technically belongs to God, giving makes us a channel of blessing to others. Our offering enables the church to proclaim the Gospel to those who haven’t heard it. It also helps pay the bills necessary for the church’s operations.

More importantly, the most significant reason for cheerful giving is because God sent His Son, who became poor that we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). He came down to earth to save you and me. Excited giving is the heart’s response to a generous God who gave the best Gift to mankind: Jesus Christ.

Is there excitement in your heart as you give to God's ministry?

Pursue the Savior today!