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“But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.”

1 John 2:27

In today’s verse, we encounter the words “anointing” and “abide” once again. To help refresh our memories, the first word refers to the Holy Spirit, and the second means “to remain.” John tells his readers that the Holy Spirit remains in them and that they have “no need” for a teacher. Is John saying that his readers know everything and pastors and teachers are no longer needed? Unlikely. John’s point is that they have sufficient knowledge to guard themselves against false teachers, a.k.a., antichrists. John and his colleagues had given them a clear presentation of the Gospel when they trusted in Jesus for their salvation. They do not need new teachings on how a person is saved.

The second part of this verse tells us that “his anointing teaches you about everything.” What does this mean? The original Greek word for “everything” is “pas,” which offers at least seven or eight uses in Scripture. It can be used in both individual and collective senses. Individually, it means “all things” and collectively, it connotes “some of all types” i.e., Jesus saves all kinds of people from every nation, language, or race. John seems to have the second sense in mind. Therefore, John clarifies that his readers have a complete understanding of the doctrine of salvation. He does not, however, necessarily mean they have become all-knowing. Since the Holy Spirit is true and does not lie, they are to remain in Him.

There is no substitute for a diligent study of Scripture. The difference between truth and error can be so minute for a casual reader to see. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is there to help God’s children detect errors and uphold the truth.

Pursue the Savior today!