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“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice.”

Philippians 4:4

For thousands of years, the entertainment industry has been the people’s go-to place to amuse themselves and get away from their daily grind. Why is this so? Why are people ready to spend a significant amount of money on recreation? People are drawn to material that they can relate to emotionally, and the fastest way to establish a connection with an audience is to entertain them. But there’s a drawback to entertainment: it’s temporary; the fun never lasts. And for us believers, it is not the right place to find satisfaction.

Today’s verse is a reminder to everyone to take delight and happiness in the right Person: Jesus Christ. Paul’s letter to the Philippians appears to have a recurring theme of rejoicing. We have to understand that he penned this letter after being arrested unjustly, shipwrecked on his way to prison, bitten by a snake, and while he was suffering in prison. Also, his execution was only a matter of time. In other words, there’s a man on his way to death, encouraging us to rejoice!

This verse is not a suggestion; it’s a command. Paul did not tell his readers to be happy. He commanded them to rejoice, which is very much different from being happy or glad. Joy is a manifestation of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), which means it is not self-induced. A believer’s joy does not relate to the circumstances of life, but to the absolute, firm, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

But I know it’s easier said than done. For the most part, our emotions are dependent on the present conditions of our lives. We spend a big chunk of our time worrying and being anxious about things we’re not even sure will happen or not.

I’d like you to be encouraged by the life of the Apostle Paul, who did not let his present situation dictate how he felt. How did he do it? By looking unto Jesus, who is the founder and perfecter of the Christian faith (Hebrews 12:2).

God did not set you free from the power and penalty of sin, so you could spend your life worrying. You are saved by grace and kept saved by grace. When all is said and done, as long as your faith in Christ is for real, you will spend eternity in heaven. Why do your present worries matter?

God made you His child through faith in Christ. Your Father is the One who created all things in heaven and earth. The least you can do is put your hope in Him and believe that He is faithful and true—delight in Him who is the Light of the world. He alone can satisfy your deepest desires.

Pursue the Saviour today!