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In photography, contrast is a tool used to direct the viewer’s attention to the subject. It is so essential that without contrast, there will be no distinction between the subject and the background. No one really enjoys looking at a picture that is clear through and through. Needless to say, no one wants to stare at a blurry snapshot either. We want to see the separation between the subject and the background. Don't we just love photos that have the “bokeh” effect, where the subject is distinct and the background is fuzzy?

Christianity works the same way. We are called not only to be forgiven of sins and given eternal life but also to create a “spiritual contrast” between good and evil. When we repented of our sins and put our trust in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit indwelt us and started a process of making us more like Jesus. He is, slowly but surely, changing our hearts, enabling them to produce good deeds designed to glorify God.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10

In this section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, the Lord emphasizes the difference between God’s people and the people of the world. In the previous verses, He used salt, as an illustration, to underscore the Christian’s calling to preserve the world from the evil that is inherent in society and influence the world for good.

In the concept of light, Jesus encouraged His followers to do good for the world to see. The presence of Christians in the world should create a high contrast between their good works (fueled by the Holy Spirit) and the intrinsic wickedness of the world.

It is important to understand that just as how the appreciation of a beautiful photo brings praise and recognition to the photographer, the Christian’s good works should also result in God’s glory. We are not called to stand out and receive acknowledgment for ourselves but to redirect all praise to the Source of our good deeds. Apart from Christ, what can we do?

Therefore, I encourage you to let your light shine before the world and create a clear contrast between good and evil. Do not go as the world goes. Never lower your standards just to please others or simply because it’s easier that way. Be different, because you are different. You are called to serve a purpose and there’s no greater calling than to be Christ’s representative to the world. So, go and be the salt and light God called you to be.

Pursue the Saviour today!