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14 “And this is the faith that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.”

1 John 5:14

I have seen many Christians quote Bible verses to “manifest” something as if they can get anything they want as long as they have enough faith and ask for it in Jesus’ name. Does Jesus guarantee answered prayers as long as we meet these two conditions?

Yesterday, we learned that being a child of God is completely knowable.

In today’s verse, John assures his readers of God’s favor. He discusses the confidence (parrēsia) believers have in God. The Greek term refers to freedom in speaking, without ambiguity or wordiness. Believers can talk to God and be completely open, without disguise or pretension.

In the previous verse, John emphasized confidence in a believer’s future, while he stressed present assurance here. Christians know that they have access to God’s throne of grace. Their prayers are heard by God Himself.

But John adds an important requirement: prayers should be offered according to God’s will. By implication, not every prayer will be granted—even when Jesus’ name is invoked. God is sovereign in all things, including our prayers.

The Bible assures us that when we ask God for anything according to His will, He listens and answers. Praying according to God’s will demands love for His Word, where He reveals it. So, we should spend more time studying the Scriptures to know better what to pray for.

Having the right mindset about prayer sets our expectations properly. Our confidence in God, coupled with asking for things that align with His will, assures us that every word we speak in prayer is heard.

Pursue the Savior today!