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13 “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.”

Proverbs 28:13

It takes a significant amount of courage and humility to own up to our own sins. So, when we don't have enough supply of these two things, we try and hide our wrongdoings instead. But in the process, we're missing critical blessings.

This miniseries aims to help you determine important steps to take to ensure a spiritually healthy 2024. In our last blog, I gave the first thing you need to be doing this year: Be thankful to God.

Here’s our second tip:

Instead of making resolutions; make confessions.

As we look forward to another year, we always want to improve ourselves—lose weight, be wiser in spending, or be more productive. In other words, we want to make New Year’s resolutions. But our personal history likely tells us these are no more than band-aid solutions; they’re temporary. Why is that so, it’s because we try to do things on our own strength and power.

But if we have developed bad habits, chances are, they are only symptoms of real problems. So, rather than trying to fix things on your own, try to find out the root of the problem. If we take a hard look, we just might determine why we’re unhappy, to begin with. Is it discontentment? Is it lust? Is it pride? Is it unforgiveness? Is it covetousness?

However, knowing the problem isn’t enough; neither does hiding it help at all. What you need to do is confess it before God.

In today’s verse, Solomon writes that there is no blessing for the person who hides his sin. This is an individual who refuses to come clean to God and the person he has offended. Such a one cannot expect the blessings and mercy God gives to the one who confesses His sins and turns away from them.

When we confess our sins, we draw ourselves to Christ and renew our fellowship with Him. This way, we experience relief, joy, and peace. The thing is, we can’t really start the new year right without first being in a right relationship with God.

Pursue the Savior today!

