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20 “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
2 Corinthians 5:20
So far, we've discovered four ways to know whether we are a good church member. But we're not done just yet. There's one more mark left for us to find out.
This series aims to give you five marks of a good church member. Here’s our fifth and final mark:
A healthy church member communicates the Gospel.
The message of hope that comes from the Gospel is news worth sharing. Therefore, a healthy church member tells others that God sent His Son to live a perfect life and die in place of sinners. This message is the very power of God at work in all who believe. A healthy church member makes himself available to preach the Gospel.
In today’s verse, we are reminded that the Apostle Paul was thought to be crazy to keep preaching the Gospel even though doing so had already put his life in danger. But the love of God compelled Paul to let as many people as possible know that Jesus died for them.
He sees himself as an ambassador (presbeuō, “act as a representative”), a minister of state, representing Christ in a foreign land. To Paul, this is a dignified calling. He serves as a spokesman for God and the Lord is pleading to men through him.
Fast-forward to the 21st-century, the message Paul communicated is the same message God wants you and I to share. As ambassadors of Christ, we continue to talk to people to be reconciled to God and receive His forgiveness through Christ’s sacrificial death.
If we truly were caught by Jesus’ message, we would tell everyone about this amazing news.
In this blog series, we learned that:
A healthy church member is genuinely converted.
A healthy church member is a growing disciple.
A healthy church member is committed to the Church.
A healthy church member has a teachable spirit.
A healthy church member communicates the Gospel.
Pursue the Savior today!