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"When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

Matthew 10:19-20

Everybody knows that studying the Bible truly is a lot of work. It isn't like reading your daily newspaper or lifestyle magazine. However, some people say that there is no need to study God's word because Jesus promised that when the time comes to speak, the Holy Spirit would give us the right words. Pretty convenient, eh?

Today's passage is a continuation of Jesus' instructions to His disciples whom He is sending to Galilee. He tells them to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons. He also commands them not to bring supplies for the mission but to rely on people's hospitality.

The disciples should expect to be arrested and dragged out of synagogues and public offices. When in those moments, they should not be worried about defending themselves because they will receive God's empowerment. This is God's ordained way for them to deliver the Gospel to powerful men in Israel and the Roman Empire.

I can't help myself wondering if Jesus did not set their expectations right. How would the disciples overcome being arrested and severely persecuted? Chances are, they would quickly run away—just like what they did when the Romans seized the Lord.

Jesus informs the disciples that the Holy Spirit will speak through them and communicate with wisdom before the Jewish and Roman officers. These things were fulfilled during the events in the Book of Acts.

Sadly, this verse is often misinterpreted by some preachers, teaching that they do not need to diligently study Scripture. They claim that God uses them as a direct medium to speak His words—kind of how the Lord spoke through the prophets before the completion of the biblical canon.

However, to use this verse to justify personal prophetic claims and failure to meditate on God's word is no more than twisting the text's true meaning. If God speaks to us directly, then why would He command us to study His word carefully?

Jesus' point is that the disciples will be forcefully taken and persecuted to have enough time to prepare for their defense. They wouldn't even be able to hire lawyers. They have a supernatural task of laying the foundation of the Church, therefore, they need supernatural help. That's when the Holy Spirit will come and give them the wisdom and strength to witness to powerful men like monarchs and politicians.

Jesus called us to be His witnesses before the unbelieving world, and preaching the Gospel can sometimes lead to life-threatening situations. He wants to remind us that God will be with us, giving us the comfort, strength, and wisdom to overcome opposition. But this promise does not give us an excuse to ignore the Bible. It is still our responsibility to know God as He is revealed in Scripture, and there are no shortcuts to knowing Him.

Pursue the Saviour today!