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“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”

Proverbs 16:3

Today’s verse is one of the all-time favourites among Christians. At face value, it seems like committing one’s work to the Lord guarantees that our plans will succeed. But what exactly does this verse mean?

The word “commit” comes from a Hebrew word that means “to roll upon”. It denotes total trust and submission to God’s will. The idea is that we ultimately allow God to take control of our lives: thoughts, words, and deeds. When we “commit” ourselves to God, we offer everything we do to Him.

The Hebrew construction of the verse also shows that we must first commit our work to the Lord so that our plans will be established. However, we must understand that Proverbs, as a literary form, communicate general life principles, not absolute promises. This means that we can expect God to bless our lives if we work according to His Word, but there are no guarantees we will never have bumps on the road. Christians can still lose their jobs or get sick. However, if they commit their work to the Lord, they’d understand that God orchestrates even such problems to fulfill His more excellent plan.

In Romans 12:1, Paul reminds us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice (living in total obedience to God), as our spiritual worship. When God controls our life, our desires align with His will, making us want things that will give Him glory.

To commit our work to the Lord is to put our absolute trust in His wisdom and will, and the only way to discover them is to know His Word. God is sovereign, and therefore does not need anyone’s prayer to carry out His plans. His eternally divine will is revealed in Scripture; it’s up to us to know them and apply biblical principles accordingly.

How committed are you to knowing God’s will and ordering your plans based on what He has revealed? Are you determined to submit to His will even if it means setting aside your personal ambitions?

Pursue the Saviour today!