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42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Acts 2:42

Our relationship with God is based on love, which calls for devotion to God and selfless commitment to others. And this love is meant to be shared. How can we express this love tangibly?

This series aims to give you five marks of a good church member. Here’s our third mark:

A healthy church member is committed to the Church.

We live in a day and age where churches are practically everywhere. In fact, there are probably two or three in your area, which can make commitment pretty challenging for some. If you’re unhappy with your current church, you can always shop around and move, right? Wrong!

Commitment is another key characteristic of a healthy church member. His commitment is seen in how he takes church life seriously. He understands that Jesus died not only for him but for the whole church. He knows that some of the most important relationships he will ever have are found in the body of Christ. Therefore, he commits himself to the church’s leadership, makes himself accountable to the congregation, and encourages others.

In today’s verse, the Gospel writer Luke describes how the believers of the first-century church in Jerusalem proved their profession of faith, including fellowship (koinōnia, joint participation). Their desire to be with fellow believers provided evidence of the new life in them.

In their fellowship, the people shared things in common. There was an obvious difference between their community and the rest of Jerusalem. They loved being with one another and shared all things equally.

If you’re a healthy church member, you will commit yourself to a community of believers. Your soul will seek sound doctrine, fellowship, communion, and prayers. You will hold yourself accountable to church leadership and use your God-given gifts to serve God and His people. In other words, you will want to be with your spiritual family—as often as possible.

Pursue the Savior today!