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7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7

By default, we are sinners, guilty of violating God’s laws, and therefore do not have His favor, let alone His fellowship. If we were to have communion with God, we have to share in His light (holiness)—as Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:48).

In today’s verse, John argues that a man is either in the light or darkness. Being in the light means membership with God’s family; being in darkness means having no fellowship with God. The basis for believers’ inclusion into the family of God is the shed blood of Christ. Because Jesus satisfied God’s demands for righteousness and justice, He can now forgive the sins of those who come to Him in faith.

We sinned but God made a way for us to be made right with Him. Our disobedience disconnected us from the Lord but Christ's sacrifice built a bridge for us to get reconnected with God. That’s what makes His grace so amazing. 

Christ’s blood is potent enough to cover every sin we have ever committed or will ever commit.

“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.”

Hebrews 10:14

Not only did Jesus pay for our sins, but He also gave a way for us to have fellowship with Him and His family, the Church. Every true believer is a part of God’s spiritual family and is promised the continuous forgiveness of sins through repentance. Such a promise gives us assurance that we can always come clean to God and receive His cleansing.

Pursue the Savior today!