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I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

When we’re down and weary, we often ask ourselves, “What is God’s will for my life?” I can understand anyone who asks this question because I was there. There were days I wondered what God would have me do. But God’s will is never intended to be a puzzle. It’s as clear as day, and the only reason we fail to determine His plan is because our minds and hearts are set on things other than God Himself.

Yesterday, we learned about the importance of focus in the Christian life—and to be fair, focus is essential in all of life. When we allow issues, problems, desires, and other matters take away our concentration, not only do we delay our spiritual journey, but we also miss out on what Scripture promises to faithful believers.

In today’s verse, Paul reiterates that he invests all of himself “toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Commentators believe Paul is alluding to the Greek games of his time. The winner in those games was called to the place where the judge sat to receive the reward. This may be a reference to the Bema Seat of Christ as described in 2 Corinthians 5:10.

Paul is not saying that we work to obtain salvation. In fact, his reference to the Greek games gives us an idea of the truth he is trying to convey. Only citizens were allowed to participate in the games, and the rest are spectators. In the same way, the heavenly rewards written in Scripture are only made available to those whose citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20).

Just as a successful athlete is rewarded for his exemplary performance, so believers who lived a life of faithful obedience to Christ will receive eternal rewards in heaven. Such rewards do not fade but last forever.

God has established a goal for each of us, and that is to make us more like Christ while we await His return or the day when we leave this earth. It’s not a sin to work hard and earn a name for oneself, but our accomplishments in this life mean nothing if God is not glorified through us. 

Determining God’s will doesn’t have to be difficult. If we commit ourselves to God and put as much effort in our Christian walk as we do our family, career, and passions, walking in accordance to the will of God can be uncomplicated and stress-free.

Pursue the Saviour today!