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“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

When you look at people, how do you see them? Do you see a uniformed policeman as someone who upholds the law? Do you regard someone with a stethoscope as a person who heals the sick? Do you see a homeless person as a beggar? I hope not, and you may ask why.

God sees people differently. He does not look at them the same way we do. He sees through their hearts and knows their spiritual condition.

Second Corinthians 5:17 is one of the most well-known Bible verses. But allow me to shed some light as to what Paul is trying to say here. The word “therefore” takes us back to verses 14-16, where Paul reminds us that Christians have “died with Christ” and no longer live for themselves.

The term “in Christ” is used by Paul to describe the spiritual relationship between Jesus and a believer. This union started when a person believed in the Gospel and trusted Jesus Christ for his salvation. To have this personal relationship with Jesus is to be in Christ and become a “new creation.” The Holy Spirit breathed life into the believer and identified him with Christ.

The Christian’s old life of slavery to sin and self has gone. Everything that described the old nature of a believer, including his pride, sinfulness, selfishness, false views of God, and lustful passions, has ceased to exist because Jesus nailed all of these things to the cross. But this doesn’t mean Christians stopped sinning completely because they still do. The difference is that they no longer live in sin—there’s a huge difference.

Now that the old has passed away, “the new has come.” Paul refers to the new life marked by devotion and submission to God. It includes a hunger for His truth and righteousness and a desire to please the Lord. A person made new now has a renewed sense of purpose and priorities. His ultimate goal is to be like Christ and love those whom God loves.

As Christians, we are to look at people how God looks at them: men and women made in His image but have sinned and fallen short of God’s righteousness. Regardless of their profession, social status, or educational attainment, people are sinners who need a Savior. They may be accomplished or struggling individuals, but they all need to hear the message of hope found only in Jesus Christ. More than hearing the Good News, they need to see Christ in you and me.

Are you a new creation?

Pursue the Saviour today!