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"For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you."

John 13:15

Serving God is a privilege given not for us to receive glory but honour Him with lowliness of heart.

Today's verse is part of Lord Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet, which took place in the upper room during the Last Supper. This act serves both practical and symbolic purposes. To understand why Jesus did this task reserved for a slave, it helps to know their culture.

First, feet needed to be washed before a shared meal, especially since people reclined at a low table and feet were easily seen. People didn't have enclosed shoes; instead, they walked in sandals on the dusty, filthy roads of Israel, making the washing of one's feet essential before dining with


Second, it was symbolic because it serves as an object lesson to the disciples who had to be taught about humility. Previous events included the disciples arguing about who was the greatest among them, causing the Lord to teach them that the greatest should first be the least.

This act is both a lesson and a challenge to the disciples. If Jesus, who is their Teacher and Lord, served them by washing their feet, they should do the same to one another. While He has every right to command any of them to wash His feet, He did not insist. But since it appears that they could not grasp His lesson on humility, the Lord demonstrates what it looks like to serve humbly.

Why couldn't the disciples get the "simple" message of humility? Because the idea was despised in the ancient world and people viewed humility as a sign of weakness (washing someone's feet was a role reserved for the lowly). On the other hand, it was a mark of honour for a host to provide a servant to wash a guest's feet; failing to do so was an infringement of hospitality. It was a tradition in ancient Israel that the wives washed their husbands' feet, and the children washed their parent's feet. But most people had to wash their own feet.

What can we take from this lesson? If Jesus, our Lord, took the place of a humble servant, washing His disciples' feet, we are to follow His example and serve with a humble heart. We are to find joy in addressing others' needs. Humble service should be a satisfying endeavour.

It's also a reminder for us to avoid seeking prestige and preeminence; let’s not forget, we’re servants, not masters. True greatness is not about being the strongest, smartest, or most accomplished. Instead, humility is the true measure of greatness in God’s economy. Humility may have been despised in the ancient world, but in heaven, it is celebrated.

Pursue the Saviour today!