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Just because we trusted in Jesus for our salvation doesn't mean our lives will be free from pain and suffering. When we're going through tough times, that's when we have to be strong and immovable. This may not seem like something new to you, but the question is, do you know how?

Let’s continue our study on Psalm 112.

We can observe at least four ways in which a God-fearing man responds to practical blessings. Here’s another biblical principle for you to consider.

A God-fearing man is steadfast.

The Psalmist makes a declaration that a God-fearing man is deeply rooted in Scripture, making him immovable. He doesn’t allow the seduction of the world to shake his faith. He can handle any problem that comes to him. He remains calm even when faced with a myriad of troubles. He doesn’t blame God for problems but praises Him for them. In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul highlights God’s ability to sustain them despite facing multiple afflictions.

8 “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;”

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

When we’re rooted in Christ, we understand that affliction is part of our calling (Philippians 1:29). Therefore, we will embrace challenges and thank God for them because we know they serve a purpose: they help shape our faith.

And just as Paul is remembered for his steadfastness, so will we. Our names may not be written in history books, but they are written in the book of life. And the life we live now will be ingrained in the minds of the people around us. Our faithfulness to Christ will serve as an encouragement and inspiration to our fellow believers.

Living the Christian life isn’t easy, but it sure is a little bit less complicated if we learn to trust God and His promises. If we know who He is and what He does, we don’t really have any reason for our faith to be shaken. He’s been faithful even when we’re not, and He’s not about to break His streak with you or me.

Pursue the Saviour today!