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1 Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!

Psalm 112:1


Salvation comes with blessings. And when I say blessings, I do not mean only material blessings. Though God can surely bless us practically, He can do so in many different ways. But with such blessings, come great responsibilities.

In this blog series, we will see how a person who obeys God is blessed personally, practically, and spiritually. God willing, we will discover how to handle blessedness as well as opposition from unbelievers.


Psalm 112 was likely written by King David and is composed the same way as Psalm 111. It is an acrostic psalm, meaning, it is arranged in alphabetical order (in the Hebrew alphabet). It talks about the character, conduct, practicality, and blessedness of a godly man. It can be divided into four parts:

1. Personal blessings (verses 1-2)
2. Practical blessings (verses 3-5, 9)
3. Spiritual blessings (verses 6-8)
4. Opposition from unbelievers (verse 10)

This psalm should be read in light of God’s covenant with Israel, especially the part that guarantees health, wealth, success, and happiness. Why? Because these promises are not found in the New Covenant. However, we have a better covenant. We may not be promised material abundance, but we are guaranteed the spiritual blessing we will ever need (Ephesians 1:3) and that God will make sure we have all we need (Philippians 4:19).

We will have all week to have a deeper understanding of this beautiful psalm. Will you join me in this study?

Pursue the Saviour today!