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Just because we're Christians doesn't mean we will be everybody's friends. If Jesus Himself, who demonstrated grace, mercy, and compassion to everyone, was hated, why should we expect anything different? That said, how should we respond in the face of opposition?

We have come to the twelfth and final part of this blog series, and I’m hoping you learned something from it. Here’s the last characteristic of a person who knows how to respond to God’s blessings the right way.

A God-fearing man overcomes his enemies.

He does not tremble in fear at the presence of his enemies; he fears God instead. The writer doesn’t wish for the downfall of those who hate him, but extends grace to them and wishes for their ultimate good. Jesus demonstrated this kind of concern for His oppressors at the Cross.

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:43-45 

We are not without enemies but we love them nevertheless. We turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, and help them see the hope in Christ. We don’t allow anger to rule over us, but we overcome evil with good.


Our inclusion into the family of God gives us a myriad of blessings: personal, practical, and spiritual. 

In response to our personal blessings, we glorify God, obey Him, love His Word, and raise a God-fearing family. 

In response to our practical blessings, we demonstrate contentment, we stand out in this dark world, we exhibit integrity, and we keep on doing good. 

In light of our spiritual blessings, we remain steadfast, we are unafraid of bad news, and overcome our enemies by doing them good. 

Pursue the Saviour today!