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1 Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! 

Psalm 112:1


Life is more than just learning, working, and earning, and the Bible has a lot to do with it.

Let’s continue our study on this beautiful psalm.

This week’s passage gives us four ways in which a God-fearing man responds to God’s practical blessings. Let’s discuss the third point.

A God-fearing man loves God’s Word. 

The writer continues and describes the person who fears God. He is the one who delights in the Lord. The Hebrew word for delight is “hapes,” (khaw-fates) “to take delight in, take pleasure in.” It is a feeling of extreme pleasure, satisfaction, and joy. David touched on this subject in chapter 1 and differentiated the ways of the godly and ungodly. This word gives us an imagery of how it is to be in love, i.e., two lovebirds enjoying spending time together. The writer finds pleasure in reading and meditating on God’s Word and considers himself blessed. What this means is that loving God’s Word is already a blessing in itself.

How is that so? A believer enjoys studying the Bible and makes it a regular part of his day. He carefully finds out what it means and allows it to be his life’s rule book. He familiarizes himself with the ways of God and tests everything by His standards. This delight isn’t only shown in his fondness for studying it. More importantly, he demonstrates love for it by doing what it says. He treats it as the greatest treasure of his life. 

4 But he answered, “It is written,“ ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ 

Matthew 4:4

Even after going on fast for forty days and nights, Jesus was able to resist the devil because He immersed himself in Scripture (well, it’s actually His word). In the same way, if we are saturated by the truth of the Bible, we have the power and will to say no to the enemy’s deceptive schemes and our personal proclivity to sin.

God’s word is our life, without it, we’re merely existing, not living. We can only know and love God through His written Word. You and I are in a great position to live in such a manner that honors God. The Bible is our life’s manual—everything we need to know to live Christ-honoring lives is in our possession. The question is, do we treat it as a necessity? Does it direct our paths? Do we consume it as much as we do air, water, or food?

Pursue the Saviour today!