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“But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all know.”

1 John 2:20

Anointing. Hhmmm. It’s a rather interesting word in our time. Oftentimes, when we use this word in a sentence, it almost means a supernatural power that makes us superheroes. We assume that when somebody is “anointed,” he is spiritually superior, and in effect, “untouchable.”

I find it curious that the meaning of a word can change drastically over time. While we relate anointing with spiritual caliber, the original readers of John’s epistle did not have that idea in mind at all. Now, if anointing does not refer to one’s spiritual supremacy, then what does it mean?

In this verse, John describes the believers’ experience in contrast to the false teachers (verses 18-19). He points out that they have the strength to overcome the antichrists because they “had been anointed by the Holy One.” The term “Holy One” likely refers to the Lord Jesus (see Mark 1:24; Revelation 3:7). He is God’s Anointed (Acts 4:26-27).

The anointing refers to the Holy Spirit, as verse 27 gives us a hint that it is a Person. He guards believers against false teaching and guides them into knowing all things (John 14:26). Anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit is not anointed and does not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9).

John’s readers know Jesus Christ as they have a personal relationship with Him. Otherwise, they wouldn't be saved. On the other hand, the false teachers use two words to describe their experience: “knowledge” and “anointing.” They claim to have a special anointing from God that gave them special divine knowledge. However, in chapter one, John refuted these claims and revealed the inconsistency between the false teachers’ assertion and their actual lifestyles. Their sinful lifestyle indicated they did not know the truth.

John says every Christian is anointed, and this anointing gives us knowledge about Christ. No, we are not anointed to perform miraculous acts, signs, and wonders; we are anointed to know God and Jesus Christ our Lord. It’s not a privilege given to a select few, but a truth that lives in every true believer.

Have you committed your life to Christ? If so, then you are anointed! You may not have the supernatural powers to heal the sick, cast out demons, or walk on snakes and scorpions, but you were given the wonderful privilege of knowing God and experiencing His love daily.

Pursue the Savior today!