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“I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.”

1 John 2:12

First John 2:12-14 has been a cause of confusion among many believers. Scholars and commentators have different views on this passage. Why is John addressing three groups of people? Some have suggested that John classified his readers according to their age groups. On the other hand, others say he categorized them by their spiritual maturity.

However, I don’t think John’s addressing children, fathers, and young men don’t mean what he says to one group is not true of the other. As you read the entire letter, you will see John applying spiritual truths to all believers, regardless of their age or spiritual maturity.

Let’s talk about John’s address to “little children” (Greek “teknion”, which means “born ones”). This word refers to all believers. The Bible tells us that all who place their faith in Christ are forgiven of sins (Ephesians 1:7), share in His nature ( 2 Peter 1:4), and are considered members of God’s family (John 1:12).

John’s readers were being attacked by false teachers who deny essential teachings about Christ, i.e., His humanity. These religious fakes were claiming knowledge of God while their lives prove otherwise. He is warning believers to avoid walking the same path.

John also mentions the importance of Christ’s name in the forgiveness of sins. The Bible is clear that apart from Jesus, no other name has the power to save people (Acts 4:12). This Name protects believers from spiritual harm and ensures their salvation.

One of the main reasons why we suffer from spiritual weakness is the absence of trust in the efficacy and finality of God’s promises. When we sin, we doubt God’s love and distance ourselves from Him; we forget who we are. But we don’t have to.

Therefore, think of God’s faithfulness and remember the cost He had to pay to reach out to you, forgive your sins, and give you eternal life: His Son’s life. This truth applies to you, whether you are considered a little child, a father, or a young man in the faith. This truth cannot be denied; it is an irreversible truth.

Pursue the Savior today!