28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30
Not many of us are good at rule-keeping. I myself cannot say I’ve always obeyed the rules. In fact, not one of us can justifiably claim to have perfectly adhered to God's laws. That's why salvation cannot be achieved on the basis of personal merit. That's why you and I need Jesus.
In our previous blog, we mentioned that God seeks sinners, but sinners should also seek God. Let’s keep digging into this passage in Matthew 11.
After revealing God’s will of favoring the childlike in faith, Jesus invites those who have been burdened by the consequences of their sins. The original Greek word literally means “those tired from hard toil, and those loaded down.” Such are the people who have become weary by enduring the burdens of sin (and perhaps the unfair demands of Jewish tradition). To those Jews, religion was an endless pursuit of following rules. It was such an arduous, uphill battle.
By using such words, Jesus describes the feeling of a person who has come to an understanding of his sinfulness and the appropriateness of judgment for his violation of God’s law. Despite his attempt to fulfill the requirements of the Law, he finds himself failing. This is what repentance looks like. Such a person comes to a realization of his own guilt and the futility of personal pursuit of righteousness; he needs help.
Jesus is offering rest (peace) from such toil and hardship. He offers His “yoke,” which (figuratively) means an invitation to become His true disciple and join Him in His mission of saving souls. He is offering an exchange: the people’s exhausting burdens for His virtuous, loving Lordship. Undoubtedly, Jesus’ commands are significantly easier compared to the strict, impossible regulations of Jewish tradition.
This offer is extended to you and me. God, the Giver of the Law, also graciously made a way for you and me to be made right with Him—by sending Jesus to die on our behalf. His sacrificial death on the Cross is His victory over sin and death. Now, He offers eternal life if we come to Him in repentance and faith. Have you done this yet? If so, have you told someone about it?
Pursue the Savior today!
Photo by Daniel Vargas on Unsplash