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23 “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,”

Matthew 14:23


Here’s an amazing fact: God, the Maker of the universe, desires to have a personal relationship with you. And He made it possible through Jesus’ death on the Cross. If you believe with all your heart that Jesus died for you, and that He rose from the dead, you enter into a relationship with Him.

If you’re serious about your union with God, you’d want to protect it, right? But how?

In this series, I will give three tips to preserve your precious walk with God.

Be in touch with God daily.

Without a doubt, Jesus had a massively successful ministry, and part of this success was His dedication to guard His private time with God. After teaching the people and training the disciples, He sent them away so that He could be alone—with God.

The Bible shows us that God wants alone time with His people. He often called Moses to come to Him alone. David wrote many psalms as he reflected on God’s goodness and His close relationship with Him. Elijah experienced being in God’s presence when he was alone in a cave. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told the people to go into their rooms, close the door, and pray to God.

Spending a private moment with God is an effective way to guard our personal relationship with Him as it takes away all the distractions of life. It allows us to focus on Him and be intimate in prayer and meditation. And the operative word in this tip: daily. Your intimate moment with God should be the most important part of your day.

Pursue the Savior today!