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"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

John 8:36

Freedom. It's the battle cry of the oppressed, discriminated against, and abused. Millions of people have fought for freedom, and many of them died in the process. The kind of freedom we are enjoying right now wouldn't have been possible if not for the sweat, blood, and sacrifices of those who bravely fought for it.

But what does this freedom give us? Does it cause our hearts to be peaceful despite the uncertainty and confusion happening all around us? How long does it last? Will we experience it after leaving this earth?

Jesus, in this part of John's Gospel, gives us the big picture. He is speaking to a bunch of men who lacked self-awareness and are blinded by lies. They see themselves as people with the right standing with God just because they are physical descendants of Abraham. Jesus corrects their flawed belief.

The Jews claim that they were never slaves, which is a lie. Throughout their history, they have been under the rule of several powerful nations, Assyria and Babylon being two of them. In fact, while they spoke these words, Israel was being controlled by the Romans. It's sad how self-righteousness and pride can cloud one's judgment and cause one to fail to see the naked truth!

The Jews were looking for a political and economic leader who will set them free from the shackles of Rome. They were longing for the glory days of Israel when their fellow Hebrews were leading the charge, particularly David. But their craving for the past didn't help change their situation. They were trapped in this delusional state and thought they were free but were not.

That's what happens when a person responds with pride instead of repentance upon hearing the Gospel. Truth be told, as long as we defend ourselves and justify our actions, we have no chance of being justified before God's court of law. The Bible teaches that justification (being declared ''not guilty'') is only possible if we believe in the atoning work of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary (Romans 3:24-26).

Here is the Messiah, offering God's gift of salvation. The freedom that comes from God goes beyond the mere absence of wars, strife, hunger, and political unrest. He is providing true freedom that sets you free from sin, its punishment, power, and ultimately, its presence. This freedom enables you to do what is right and good in the sight of God. This freedom is everlasting. Jesus Christ alone can give this all-surpassing freedom. The big question is: will you take it?

Pursue the Saviour today!