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19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

Matthew 28:19


If every believer does his or her part in the Great Commission, the return of our Lord Jesus may come earlier than later. But the thing is only a small number of us actually reach out to the lost.

In our previous blog, we learned that the church is a beautiful community of imperfect individuals using their God-given gifts to help one another and give glory to God. Here’s another unhealthy habit we should get rid of:

Not sharing your faith.

If you’re a true Christian, chances are, you have heard of the Great Commission. Jesus commands that we should preach the Gospel and make disciples. The question is, are you doing your part in this mission? Sadly, most professing Christians don’t.

There can be a myriad of reasons why we don’t share our faith—whether we don’t feel its importance, we are not trained, or we’re just too scared, among others.

If we don’t understand the significance of this commandment, what does it say about our faith? Many call themselves Christians but aren’t truly trusting Jesus. As such, they don’t feel the weight of His words, let alone His commandments.

Consider today’s verse, which is otherwise known as “The Great Commandment.” Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He left His people the ultimate mission: to become His witnesses and disciple-makers. This mandate is not only for the ones present at that event but to every believer throughout Church history. In other words, you and I are called to do this.

If we think that we are not qualified to share our faith, this might be a time to ask someone to guide us into doing evangelism right. Also, let’s remind ourselves that we don’t have to be experts to tell others how we experience the liberating truth of the Gospel. Evangelism isn’t only about knowing the contents of the Bible; it also involves showing how God saved you and changed your life.

If we’re scared about sharing our faith, we should know that such fear does not come from God. While it’s easier to avoid this kind of conversation than to talk about it, we can ask God for the courage to share Christ.

The secret is to allow the power of the Gospel to change our minds and prepare us for such conversations. Because of the Good News of Christ, we have a message worth sharing.

Pursue the Savior today!