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“No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.”

1 John 3:6

In our time, the term “Christian” has become a generic term for a person who attends a Christian church. Such a description is loose when compared to the biblical definition of a person who has heard the Gospel, admitted his sinfulness, was convinced of the reality of Jesus' Person, life, ministry, sacrificial death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession, repented of his sins, and placed his saving faith in Christ.

In today's blog, we'll focus on verse 6, and let's find out what a Christian is not.

John continues his letter and describes what a false convert looks like. He argues that a person who abides (Greek “meno,” “to remain, not to depart”) in Christ does not have a pattern of sinning. Sin is the very thing that separates us from God. It happens when we ignore God and His words. Jesus’ sacrificial death on the Cross has broken the power of sin, thus giving us the strength to overcome temptations.

The Apostle concludes that a person who keeps on sinning has neither seen (Greek “horao,” which means “to become acquainted with by experience” nor known (Greek “ginosko,” “to become acquainted with”) Jesus. John points out that it is impossible for a person who keeps on sinning to have personal knowledge of and relationship with Christ.

John is not saying that a believer has reached sinless perfection. Instead, his ongoing fellowship with the Lord Jesus gives him the desire to consistently decontaminate himself (verse 3). Therefore, anyone who claims to be a Christian but fails to resist sin puts to question his allegiance to Christ.

Not only is being a false convert a delusion, but it is also an eternally dangerous position. We can’t fall into the false belief that God’s grace is a license to sin. Yes, Jesus died for our sins, but His sacrifice should lead us to a life of obedience to Him.

Faith that does not prove itself by obedience to Christ (part of which is resisting sin) is a mere deception. A false convert may convince himself of being saved, but his life of licentiousness proves otherwise. Unless he changes his mind and fully trusts Jesus, he will have to face the horrendous eternal consequences of his error.

Pursue the Savior today!